Happy presentation day! The day began early, with many groups continuing work on their presentations before breakfast. Maps were drawn, numbers crunched, MATLAB code written, and slides assembled. With presentations due at 3 p.m., the only break taken was a characteristically long lunch at our favorite spots, Ruksana’s and Neema’s. Reenergized by lunch, all groups made frantic final touches on their presentations!
Happy presentation day! The day began early, with many groups continuing work on their presentations before breakfast. Maps were drawn, numbers crunched, MATLAB code written, and slides assembled. With presentations due at 3 p.m., the only break taken was a characteristically long lunch at our favorite spots, Ruksana’s and Neema’s. Reenergized by lunch, all groups made frantic final touches on their presentations!
At 3 p.m., all our guests began arriving, including several members of Saint Paul Partners, the nonprofit our course partners with. The Isupilo group started the presentations strong with insightful information on water quality and testing. The Igomtwa group presented next, emphasizing the design requirements and cost breakdown of their proposal. The Wimbe group closed the presentations with a touching message about the importance and impact of the work. The guests and fellow students provided great feedback to all groups, which will be implemented in the February presentations.
With the most math-intensive portion of the trip finished, all students breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Mama Iringa’s Pizza. After dinner, the crew began packing and looking forward to the safari adventure, which starts tomorrow.
- Blog post by Mikaela Norum