Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, May 30: Robot competition!

Today began with the final fine-tuning of the software and mechanical parts for our robots. We spent the first half of the day working and preparing for the competition. After lunch, the competition began! 

Today began with the final fine-tuning of the software and mechanical parts for our robots. We spent the first half of the day working and preparing for the competition. After lunch, the competition began!

The challenge for the first track, also known as "Pedal to the Metal," was simply to have the robot follow the line on the track as fast as possible. This was the simplest of the courses.

The second course, "Brain Washer," was similar to the first; however, there were new obstacles to overcome, such as gaps in the line, a dead end, a T-intersection, and a series of four-way intersections.

The final course, "Over and Around," was a test for mechanical engineering students. This course had multiple physical obstacles, such as a ramp, block, step, and the task of collecting and storing pingpong balls.

Once every team completed all three courses, their best times for each were totaled, and the team with the lowest total was deemed the winner. Although it was a neck-and-neck competition, only one team came out on top: Best Baht (of which I am a member). We all had a really fun time and are extremely grateful for all the help Professors Wüthrich and Abel provided.

—Blog post by Brady