Today marked our eagerly awaited touchdown in Seoul after several hours spent in transit. With spirits high, we disembarked, eager to immerse ourselves in the bustling energy of this dynamic city. We first met Kang Mi-Kyung, our seasoned Seoul guide, who greeted us warmly and shepherded us onto the awaiting bus.
Today marked our eagerly awaited touchdown in Seoul after several hours spent in transit. With spirits high, we disembarked, eager to immerse ourselves in the bustling energy of this dynamic city. We first met Kang Mi-Kyung, our seasoned Seoul guide, who greeted us warmly and shepherded us onto the awaiting bus. She shared invaluable insights into Korean customs, including the structure of names, where the family name precedes the given name. It was enlightening to learn that a significant portion of the population shares one of the seven major family names, with Kim, Lee, and Park leading the ranks.
Following a rejuvenating respite at the hotel, we ventured out for our inaugural group dinner. Mi-Kyung steered us to a local gem, a Korean barbecue spot nestled in the heart of Myeong-dong. We were amazed by the array of flavors and all the different little side dishes, a delightful departure from the food back home. After dinner, we strolled through the vibrant streets, packed with unique shops and bustling food stands, offering a glimpse into the kaleidoscope of Seoul's nocturnal charm. As fatigue crept in, we turned in for the night, with most being back by 9 p.m. for a well-deserved restoring slumber.
—Blog post by Luke