Global Seminars: Monday, May 13: Virtual reality at Kyung Hee University

Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday, May 13: Virtual reality at Kyung Hee University

Today, we visited Kyung Hee University and had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Uijong Ju, Professor Interrante, and Dr. Christian Wallraven talk about their research relating to virtual and extended reality. Some highlights included learning about how personality traits correlate with decision-making in stressful driving situations and the potential for simulated nature to help people who may not be able to experience nature in real life.

Today, we visited Kyung Hee University and had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Uijong Ju, Professor Interrante, and Dr. Christian Wallraven talk about their research relating to virtual and extended reality. Some highlights included learning about how personality traits correlate with decision-making in stressful driving situations and the potential for simulated nature to help people who may not be able to experience nature in real life.

We were able to interact with some of Dr. Ju’s students' virtual reality research, which included a driving simulation featuring obstacles to avoid in various weather conditions and a test to determine which of your eyes is more dominant. Afterwards, we enjoyed a meal of Korean BBQ with his students.

Next, we visited Gyeongbokung Palace, where Mi-Kyung told us about its history and how it came to be called the “blood palace” due to power struggles.

In the evening, we went to Seoul Tower and rode the cable car to reach the observation decks. The view of Seoul from above was stunning.

—Blog post by Carissa