The day started off with an introduction to CAD (computer-aided design). While half of the class had already used this program, it was constructive for all of the other students who had never seen it before. This program is beneficial for our project as it allows us to design our robot’s body and shape. During the class, the professor taught us how to make an example version of a robot we would later have to design.
After lunch (a pizza made with potatoes, cheese, and bacon), we started learning about 3D printing. This is very applicable to our project as it allows us to bring our design to life and actually print it into reality. We also discussed the future of 3D printing and the new technology of printing at an angle that is being invented at this very school by our professor!
After class, we learned about Tailcoat week from the graduating students. Tailcoat week, also known as Frankwoche, is a tradition for the graduating class to dress up in old school fancy tailcoats and dresses. This tradition goes back to 1925 when graduates wanted to prove that they were now a part of the adult world. They did this the best way they knew how, by dressing up in fancy clothes, drinking, and growing out beards. After teaching us about this tradition, they gave us some beer mugs and allowed us to join in the festivities.
Most of us ended up eating sausages or schnitzel for dinner along with having a beer with the graduates. It was very fun as we got to talk to and hear about the lives of many of the students. While this was happening, a small group of students went to a waterfall and swam at the base. The party did get cut short however to a big rainstorm. Most of us went back to the hostel and hung out together playing cards and listening to music for the rest of the night.
Bailey S.
Bailey S.