University of Minnesota juniors and seniors interested in product design, robotics, programming, and development will spend three weeks in Switzerland this May studying Mechantronics—complex systems composed of mechanical components, computers, and sensors.
Travel dates: Thursday, May 16-Thursday, June 6, 2019
Seminar description:
Based at the Zürich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, the program is a specialized, concise course in mechatronics—complex systems, composed of mechanical components, computers, and sensors. Students will work in teams to design, build, program, and demonstrate robots under the guidance of U.S. and Swiss faculty.
Among the seminar’s highlights are insights into successful leading Swiss and German production and services enterprises, and the world’s leading lab in high-energy research—CERN (Geneva). The seminar also includes a cultural and geographical survey of Switzerland, its land, and people as well as several excursions to the Swiss Alps, Zürich, Geneva, and Munich, Germany.