Today was a transition day. We spent most of this morning on the bus on our way to Caceres and Merida. We stopped to visit the medieval city of Caceras and saw a roman cistern that was still in use today.
We also saw the various stone sculptures previously used to mark land boundaries by owners. We learned more about the arch entrance in to the city and how it was changed after it was built to accommodate the need for wider turns and had a little fun on some of the public art in the area!
We continued on to Merida for the night and dropped our bags at the hotel before heading to the Roman Circus. It was so large and really helped put the circus we saw in Toledo in to perspective.
We were also able to see the Aquaduct still well intact and learned about the different materials used to build it. From there we walked back through the city and explored the different shops and streets. We ended our evening with a walk over the very long Roman bridge.

Marnie A.