TransAfrica Water, the company that sells the equipment used, gave us a crash course in solar powered water pumping systems. This included information on solar panels, various sorts of pumps, piping, wiring, and casing for the pumps. The whole group found this time extremely valuable in developing a better sense of how these water systems work.
For today’s lunch, the group stopped at the Karambezi Cafe at Seacliff. This restaurant was located right on the coast of the Indian Ocean. We enjoyed the incredible view, which also allowed for ample photo opportunities, while having the opportunity to have our first meal at a Tanzanian restaurant.
Once we finished lunch, the group took a bus to an authentic Dar es Salaam market. Among the goods sold were carvings, paintings, clothing, and jewelry. But what you couldn’t find among the carvers and painters, were price tags. Students and staff had to barter their way out if they wanted to bring any gifts home with them. For many of us, this was the first time having the opportunity to negotiate with our money, but everyone, along with some gifts, made it out and onto the bus.
To conclude our day, the group stuck to the theme of eating by the ocean and had dinner at Oceanside (the name being self explanatory). It was timed perfectly, and the group got to watch that night’s sunset as they chatted about the adventures of the day. Their unique menu gave us all an opportunity to try local Tanzanian seafood and meats. Overall, this was a productive day that allowed for more knowledge in Tanzanian culture, as well as technical knowledge useful for our water system designs.
- Keane N.