Sunday, January 14, 2018

Day 15: Solar weather station at Universidad Centroamericana UCA de Nicaragua

Today brought lessons in solar energy and setting up a solar farm at the Universidad Centroamericana UCA de Nicaragua.
Today we visited the Universidad Centroamericana UCA de Nicaragua, where Professor Claudio Wheelock gave a lecture about solar energy and the components that must be considered when setting up a solar farm. We were joined by some students from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) UNI Student Branch, who attended the lecture with us.

Getting to know the UNI IEEE students

After the lecture, we went up the roof of the university to observe their solar weather station that has been recording data since 2002. We saw different measuring equipment and learned about their programming system that they developed themselves.

Professor Wheelock explaining part of the solar weather station equipment

Group picture with the IEEE UNI students

We had plans to visit another power plant in the afternoon, but unfortunately that trip was canceled.