Global Seminars: Day 14: Wind energy to pump water

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Day 14: Wind energy to pump water

Today we visited a farm to observe water pumping systems for farming and irrigation that harness wind energy to pump water, and later, a factory that manufactures rubber stoppers to help with pumping water.
Today we visited a farm to observe water pumping systems for farming and irrigation that harness wind energy to pump water. We got to witness our first weather measurement device that measures different environments such as temperature, wind speed, and rain. This is to keep track of the weather changes throughout the year so that farmers and engineers can efficiently predict future weather conditions.

 Student holding one of the pipe filters.


After lunch we visited a rope pumping factory that manufactures rubber stoppers to help with pumping water. We got to meet the owner of the factory who built wind mills and had a chance to ask questions about the model. Many of us had ideas to make one for ourselves!

 Student pumping water by bicycling.