After gathering in the hotel lobby at 6 p.m. to discuss the next few eventful days, we departed on foot to the Metro station. We road the Metro to the station closest to the train station at which we would board to ride overnight. We ate Indian breakfast for dinner to boost moral for the long night ahead. When it was finally time to board, each of us got a seat number and grouped up based on which car we were assigned. The group as a whole was somewhat scattered, and we shared double and even triple stacked bunks with the other unknown passengers. Some of us conversed with and befriended our car-mates, while others wasted no time attempting to sleep. The quarters were relatively cramped based on our Western predispositions. There were eight beds for every bed length of the car, and being over six feet tall resulted in feet hanging off the bed, as was the case for Nate, shown on the right.

A train attendant turned off the lights as he walked down the aisle and we enjoyed the AC coming from the ceiling and the gentle rocking of the train. I awoke at 5 a.m. to my alarm and watched others get out of bed and pack up their things. Some of us watched the sun rise as the train finally slowed to a stop just after 6 a.m. We exited the train and regrouped in the sunlight, ready for whatever the day had in store for us.