Global Seminars: Monkeying around

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monkeying around

In stark contrast to our morning, where we witnessed the effects of apathetic urban development and pollution, this afternoon we traveled to Lal Bagh. Situated in the heart of busy Bangalore, this park offers an oasis to weary foreigners and natives alike.
In stark contrast to our morning, where we witnessed the effects of apathetic urban development and pollution, this afternoon we traveled to Lal Bagh.

Situated in the heart of busy Bangalore, the park features lush landscaping and floral architecture that give us hope that beauty can be preserved if it is valued.


Next to one of the two sizable, man-made lakes in the park stood the home of some mischievous monkeys.

The most notable encounter left Alex without a water bottle as a monkey pried it from his hands and opened it with human-like finesse. The encounter emphasized the morning's lessons of the importance of water to humans and monkeys alike.


After our adventures in the park, we went to grab street food for dinner, guided by our capable Indian counterparts. The mixture of northern and southern Indian food left something to be craved by everyone.

It was here at the market that we learned our most valuable lesson of the day -- if you are blonde, you will get asked for countless pictures by hoards of Indian admirers.
