This morning we returned to the bhive to engage in a discussion with two members of the Environmental Support Group (ESG), a Bangalore non-profit working on education, research, and advocacy for environmental causes.
We learned about the destruction of Bangalore's waterways as a result of the rapid development in the area. In some cases, lakes were completely filled in and replaced by hotels and malls.
Despite its bleak past, lakes and waterways have recently been experiencing new protections, partially thanks to the public interest litigation brought about by ESG.
After hearing about some of the issues plaguing water resources in Bangalore, we visited a wetland to see firsthand the effects of urban development.

In the picture above, the inlet of the wetland is covered in foam due to heavy use of detergents upstream. Detergents aren't the only cause of contamination within the waterway but certainly have the most visible effect.

While these pictures were taken in the early afternoon, we were told the situation looks much worse in the early morning, after residents have bathed in the upstream waters.