We were all up early and on the road to München Friday with Jürg the Terrible behind the wheel and Armin riding shotgun.

Armin (below) is laying out the schedule for our plant tour.

Shruti (below) is providing Paul with expert assistance on the selection of his BMW convertible. This will set Paul back at least a month's salary (maybe more . . . )

It was an amazing tour! Its surprising how automated the assembly plant was: robots everywhere. Unfortunately they were rather uncooperative about photography inside the plant, so I don't have any pictures.
After the tour we had free time to wander around Munich. The town was filling up with soccer fans - two German teams were facing off for the semi-finals, and the town was filled with the red scarves of the München team.
The center of navigation in Munich is the Marienplatz, and the Glockenspiel built into the town hall.

As you can see, the weather has not been cooperating: its been overcast and rainy almost every day here.
Saturday, Dominic and I took a group over to the Deutsches Museum, which is on an island just past the Isertor city gate. It would take several days to do the place justice, and we had just a few hours. My personal favorite was the steam engine hall, which had exhibits of steam engine technology from the 1700's up through the late 1800's. Rory has several hundred photos from this hall alone, but since I can't put them all up here, I'll just put up a picture of Rory (and Cecelia and Katrina).

Walking back from the museum, a group of us found a place for lunch off the Marienplatz.

Catching the Ferry home, it would appear we had some blue skies. We didn't. The cold and rainy weather continues, but we're hoping this week brings some sunshine!