This weekend we took a trip to Munich Germany. We only spent one night in Munich, but with everything we did, it seemed like we were there for the whole weekend. After a tour of the BMW manufacturing plant, we were treated to a more traditional German dinner. Then we had until noon the next day to explore on our own.
The bus ride to Munich was through the country side of Switzerland and provided for a very scenic route. Our first stop in Munich was the BMW manufacturing plant. Although pictures were not allowed inside the plant, pictures were allowed outside and in the museum. Outside they have several of their motorcycles set up for people to get their picture taken.

After our tour of the BMW plant and dinner, we had the next sixteen hours to ourselves. Most of us went out exploring in the downtown area of Munich.

Today after getting back to Winterthur, most of us decided to take the train out to Zurich. We spent most of the day trying new foods and exploring the area.