After traveling for the past three days throughout Switzerland, our whole group became quite exhausted. So for the first time during the trip, many of us slept in till late in the afternoon (which was excellent). Then we spent the whole day being quite active actually. We went to the local swimming park where there was five different swimming pool areas, a volleyball court, soccer court, a water slide, all for the price of 6 Francs (about 7 dollars), which in this bloggers opinion was an excellent deal. We played some volleyball, swam in the pool, engaged in a couple of chess matches (there was a giant chess board as well), and went on the giant slide a couple of times. After the pool and eating some early dinner, separate groups started to play soccer and basketball. And later in the evening, a couple of us took a walk near where we are staying at and enjoyed some of the fine scenery that Winterthur has to offer.