Friday, January 12, 2024

Day 12 - 14: Safari and last night in Iringa

The gang just returned from Ruaha National Park today after a few days on Safari. We've spent the last couple of days diligently noting every species our group saw, from the tiny Dik-Diks to the creepy Hyenas.

The gang just returned from Ruaha National Park today after a few days on Safari. We've spent the last couple of days diligently noting every species our group saw, from the tiny Dik-Diks to the creepy Hyenas. We were exquisitely pampered by our hosts throughout our stay and kept in awe by the amazing and sometimes frightening tales of nature told by the camp director. On our last day, we visited the "spring chicken" of the long-lived Baobabs tree, which is a mere 2,000 years old.

Before heading back for dinner, we got an amazing view of some Tembo (elephant) rummaging through the dirt and bushes, supposedly on the hunt for some fine vegetarian dining.

We finished off the night listening to the soothing sounds of impala bones being crunched and Hyenas howling at the lions who had stolen their meal, which they had initially taken from a leopard. When it finally came time to leave, we all begged them not to subject us to the dreaded "coaster" bus for our bumpy ride home. However, as the photo proves, we survived to tell the tale.

Upon reaching Iringa, we had an appointment with destiny—the tailor, not his name; it's a joke—just laugh, Nick wrote this. Everybody was so happy with our outfits that we promptly decided to spend every last shilling at the market, and we succeeded in doing so. The gang spent the evening reveling in our newfound drip, and our photo sessions were followed by a tasty dinner and heartfelt conversation about, to quote Matt, 'Class, not a trip.'

—Blog post by Nick, Insia, Ajay, and Natalie