Global Seminars: Day 6: A visit to an existing water system and source in Magome

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Day 6: A visit to an existing water system and source in Magome

The Design for Life students boarded safari Land Cruisers about 8:30 a.m. today and began the rocky-road journey to Magome to check out an existing water system tank and spring source. Along the way, there was a beautiful view of the mountains.

The Design for Life students boarded safari Land Cruisers about 8:30 a.m. today and began the rocky-road journey to Magome to check out an existing water system tank and spring source. Along the way, there was a beautiful view of the mountains.

Our experienced drivers got us to Magome in about two-and-a-half hours with no problems. Unfortunately, Tommy had to stay behind due to an upset stomach, but after a day of relaxing and a few slices of toast, he is feeling well!

Upon arriving in the village, we were warmly welcomed with smiling faces, a fantastic meal, and singing. Following the meal, we began a journey to the existing water system tank and source. We walked to the water tank then hiked about 2.5 kilometers to the spring felt like we walked uphill both ways!

The landscape varied between corn fields, swamps, and pine tree forests. The source is groundwater fed at a low point of elevation surrounded by hills. It is filtered and fed through a long pipe system to the village via gravity. Some students also tried balancing buckets of water on their heads, but paled in comparison to the locals.

We hiked back to the dispensary (pharmacy) to see the water distribution point there. Then we ate again (traditional Tanzanian food) and hit the road back to the Lutheran Center. For taking an unpaved, rocky dirt road, the ride went very smoothly. We showered at the Lutheran Center and enjoyed another great meal by our lovely host Harrison of vegetable soup, pork stir fry, potatoes, rice, and vegetables.

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of CSE associate dean Paul Strykowski, who will complete our faculty leadership team. Last we heard, he is on a plane to meet us in Iringa.

—Blog post by Hanna and Steve