Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Day 8: Sun, the old town, and beyond

On the third day of class Switzerland is starting to feel like home! The graduating class at ZHAW showcased their engineering abilities this morning with a clever “entrance exam…”

During lunch break, the a group of students explored the old town in Winterthur, finding great food, drinks, and Swiss army knives, all within a few blocks. The weather was beautifully sunny (finally) and the mountains were in full view.

Also in the old town: life-sized chess! Imagine how long it took two large teams of engineering students to finish a single game (hint: it was not short).

After class came a hike up a hill on the edge of Winterthur. At the top was a tower to bring people above the trees. As before, the day remained sunny and the view stretched all the way to the orange horizon. If the view is this gorgeous from here, what is it like in the Alps? Keep checking the blog to find out!

-- Jason G.