Today was our last day in Munich before heading out to Winterthur, Switzerland. We had the morning free to do as we liked before packing up our belongings. In the morning, some students went for a leisurely jog in the English Gardens before eating breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards everyone went off to enjoy the lovely weather and atmosphere in Munich.
Some students visited museums like the Deutsches Museum, others strolled around the city taking in areas previously unvisited. Many students went to the English Gardens. The weather was 65 F and sunny so it was perfect weather for the park.
By 2 p.m. we were packed up and on our way to Winterthur. It was a four hour bus ride as we passed through the south of Germany and parts of Austria before finally reaching Switzerland and Winterthur.
We unpacked our bags and got settled in the Depot 195, a student hostel and our home for the next week. We were tired after a long day of traveling and needed to rest up before our first day of class at the Zurich Institute of Applied Sciences.
-- Michael B.