Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Day 11: Back to Iringa to work on our designs and presentations; celebrating with cake!

Today was the first day back in Iringa after our village visits. Like usual breakfast at the Lutheran Center consisted of delicious eggs, toast, and Malerone (medication to prevent malaria).
Today was the first day back in Iringa after our village visits. Like usual, breakfast at the Lutheran Center consisted of delicious eggs, toast, and Malerone (medication to prevent malaria).

After eating, we headed over to Ken’s apartment to work on our designs. The three village teams split up and worked diligently until lunch.

Lunch was at my favorite cafe and craft store called Neema’s, where we were served our American favorites of pizza, burgers, and fried chicken. We were also delighted to pet the store cat!

Afterward, we returned to our work. We finished our preliminary designs and gave presentations to our Minnesota counterpart, Paul Strykowski. These presentations went until 10:30 p.m. making it a 12+ hour work day. Afterwards, we celebrated our hard work with chocolate cake we purchased at Neema’s.

Thanks for reading!
Colin C.