Global Seminars: Day 17: Last Stop—Rome

Friday, June 1, 2018

Day 17: Last Stop—Rome

​​Today we departed from lovely Firenze (Florence) to travel to our last destination: Rome. We took multiple forms of transportation to arrive at our hotel and then grabbed a quick lunch around the area.
​​Today we departed from lovely Firenze (Florence) to travel to our last destination—Rome. We took multiple forms of transportation to arrive at our hotel, and then grabbed a quick lunch in the area. Some people grabbed pizza, while others opted for a delicious all-you-can-eat sushi buffet. Two of the most memorable dishes from the sushi restaurant were the grilled gyoza and ramen.

After lunch, we gathered back at the hotel to leave for our guided tour of Rome. Some highlights of the tour included the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, and the Pantheon. Sprinkled throughout the city were the ancient Roman aqueducts which still provide clean, drinkable water.

Near the end of our tour, we stopped for gelato at Giolitti, a gelateria known for its dark chocolate gelato.

We then returned to the hotel to relax for a bit before leaving for our second-to-last group dinner. The dinner featured the "cacio e pepe" (cheese and pepper) pasta dish that originated in Rome.

-Christine T.