Since we arrived in Trondheim, and after adjusting from jetlag and exploring the city a bit, we started learning about how storm water is handled in this modern age. By exploring the different facets of the subject such as runoff, evapotranspiration, and the challenges that are faced when dealing with storm water, we began our experiments for this week. These three experiments consisted of:
- Analyzing the soil in a rain garden and how its porosity affects the nutrients
- Analyzing the soil on a green roof and how well it can absorb water
- A visual inspection of a pond and how it can be improved.

(Yay Soil!)
After we performed the experiment, the analysis consisted of calculating the specific amount of water that the green roof soil could retain, how much water would runoff of the roof, and how much would evaporate, all based on data that was recorded in the past year. It was a very exciting process.

We were able to end the day a little earlier than expected, so we ventured out to explore the city together, hang out at the hostel and chat, and at the end of the day we were able to bond as a group by enjoying a nice restaurant in Trondheim. We are all excited to experience a new place, all while learning new things about the water on this planet. The balance between working hard and enjoying the experience are two very important parts of this trip. After these first few days, I’m confident that this group has the dedication and enthusiasm to do both.