Here we go again, off to Bangalore!

Over the past 15 years, I have been traveling to India, often bringing students or colleagues. It can be a life changing experience for them. India has certainly changed my life and my view of the world. It's an incredibly diverse place and an extreme culture shock to a person who may have spent most of his or her life in the Midwest. Initially it can be an assault on the senses, with the constant beeping of horns, various street wallas selling things, street food galore, cows in the street, gleaming glass office buildings, and much more. But students are adaptable, and will be negotiating over auto rickshaw fares in no time, just like the locals. They will come to see and understand the challenges we all have to create a sustainable and just world globally. Stay tuned for blog entries from students, hopefully two every day.
-Fred Rose, Acara Program Director