The past 20 days flew by, and this seminar is already coming to an end.
We spent our last days in Munich, Germany. We split up into groups with our new friends and saw different sights throughout the city.

This was an exciting time to be in the city because the G7 summit was taking place nearby. This is a meeting between world leaders of the wealthiest countries to discuss the global economy. The seven countries represented were the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
As a result, there were protests about income inequality in the streets of Munich. This made for an exciting spectacle, but we made sure not to get involved with the demonstrations.

The most interesting demonstration used balloons. A group created enormous balloons of each leader at the summit and flew them near the city center in front of a classical building to raise awareness.

A lot of us went to the concentration camp Dachau. This was the first camp built and served as a model for future camps. We walked around somberly in the beating sun learning about one of the darkest times in history.

On a lighter note, we checked out the expansive English Park, where urban surfers were surfing on the rapids of the river Eisbach and masses of people were lounging in the sun.

Next we went to the BMW museum to see the past and future of the BMW brand. We got an up-and-close look at a number of motors, cars, motorcycles, and conceptual designs.

Near the BMW museum was the 1972 Olympic Park. It is still in use today.
While we were there, the pools were being used for municipal purposes and a bike race was taking place.

Our final time together as a group was spent eating a traditional Bavarian meal. This entailed a plethora of meats and potato dishes.
We spent the time looking forward to the coming summer, discussing up-and-coming internships, research, and travel plans. But most of all we reminisced about all of our new experiences.