The Indian counterpart for Minnesota's Juicy Lucy is the "Naughty Lucy," which we discovered in a conversation during the ride from Navadarshanam to Yogisthaan, a yoga centre, Vegan cafe, and dorm. The two-hour drive turned into an exchange of vital information between the University of Minnesota students and Indian student interns.

Burgers, TV shows, and fast food chains aren't the only things in common among students from the U.S. and India. They also have similar interests in the books they read, music they listen to, movies they watch, and their hobbies.
Of course there are vast cultural differences, but little things like ice cream, mason jars, or lights start conversations that show we aren't very different, even though we come from two different parts of the world.
Hippies, hipsters, and lumbersexuals were topics of cultural exchange, while discussions on feminism, equality, and equity helped the students understand struggles very similar far across the sea.

At Yogisthaan, learning about the lives of students living parallel to each other opened up conversations of lifestyle, college life, and how students in the U.S. and India aren't very different.

As topics of student lifestyles, the importance of education, and living independently grew, stomachs growled as the vegan food was slowly cooking.