While Professor Styrkowski was being interviewed on Radio Furaha, the rest of us had the morning off.
After our relaxing morning, we hopped on the bus and drove to the University of Iringa. Gary Langness, the main overseer of the Lutheran Center operations, led us on a personal tour.
The campus had beautiful buildings, landscapes, and shrubbery. The university was opened in 1994 by Arnie and Mary Blomquist with a class of just 37 students, who all studied theology. Now the school has more than 4,000 students and offers 35 programs.

After the tour, we prepared for our upcoming trips to three villages near Iringa: Ihemi, Illula, and Kitapalimwa-Mlangali. We went over the layouts of the villages and discussed questions we had.
There to help us were students from the University of Iringa and the Saint Paul Partners team, who will be traveling with us to the various villages. The University of Iringa students are majoring in community development and will get credit for helping us with these projects.

Once the hard work was completed, everyone enjoyed a jam session in the sun. Students from both universities and Saint Paul Partners joined in to create fabulous melodies. Ken even played some impromptu solos on the saxophone.

To end the day, we all ate dinner at Mama Iringa's, where we had one last bonding session before we will split off to the different villages.