We ended our trip with a visit to CUHK, which was very informative. There were presentations by undergraduate and graduate stuends including touch screen keyboards, improved circuit designs, and through-body signal processing.

Kyle got to test the through-body signal testing, you could say he was pretty wired (pun extremely intended). It's hard to hear, but a song was played everytime he touched both ends of the circuit.
Since it was rainy outside early in the morning, we weren't able to take a tour of the campus outside. When the weather finally cleared, however we were out of time. Afterward the students had some free time before our final dinner in Hong Kong. Many (if not all) of the students went to see a statue of Buddha.

The ride to the giant Buddha was very scenic (this is a picture of Jake captivated by the landscape).

Alas, the statue was seen and the trip was worth the time and effort. To get a better look we all climbed the long stairs to the top, however after the Great Wall the climb was a piece of cake.

As you can see the mountains of China and Hong Kong are beautiful, and will be sorely missed back here in Minnesota (it was perhaps one of my favorite parts of the trip).

Six to eight of the students decided to take the gondola back, which I am regretting now that I hadn't. It was a nice way to end a long day.

Sadly, all great things must come to an end, but we celebrated our victories in style. Professor Sobleman treated us to a fantastic dinner with more food than we could handle. Much thanks to him and his generosity.

Caleb might have bird flu now...

The view from our plane to Tokyo. Thank you everyone for reading the blog, sending your children, hosting us, and donating for the sake of our trip. We wouldn't have had such a great time without all of you.