Monday, June 3, 2013

Bittersweet goodbye to Denmark

Before we took the ferry over to Norway, we spent a lovely day touring the northern tip of Denmark. We visited two different geological phenomenons that cause sand dune buildup on one section of the coast and sand degradation just down the beach.

This lighthouse on the coast will be buried in a matter of years by the sand build up that results from the wind blowing the coast up onto the surrounding area

This coast is being eroded at a rate of 7 meters per year (21 feet!)

We walked a long way to the most northern tip where the North Sea and Baltic sea meet...
and the view was spectacular! The city on the very tip of Jutlland where we toured is called Skagen and we enjoyed a Scandinavian lunch of fresh shrimp shipped from Greenland before we left to catch our ferry to Norway :)

Hi Hi (as the Danish say goodbye) and more updates to come!