We have arrived in the city of 25 million people! I've been to New York City, and I can say that Shanghai's Skyline dwarfs it easily! (The skyscrapers here go on forever; the land size of Shanghai is about 5 times bigger than New York city and the population is 3 times bigger.) Since we've had so much to do, I've made an effort to load as many pictures as I can for readers. (The internet connection in China isn't very good, thus it takes a while.)

To get to Shanghai from Beijing, we took a high-speed train that was traveling about 200 mph (lasting around 5 hours). It was odd that some parts of the country had massive cities appear out of nowhere, larger than Minneapolis. At one point we could see 20+ story apartment buildings with dirt roads between them, much different from Beijing.

When we arrived, we took a bus ride through the city toward our hotel. We were able to see the European influence one many of the buildings from the 1920s. Our hotel sort of makes me feel like we are in the Great Gatsby and is located right in the heart of Shanghai.

For the first day we visited Fudan University whom showed us two of their campuses. The areas of study we covered mainly focused on embedded circuits, RFID chips, and multi-core systems. We were able to go into a clean room and all of us had to wear jumpsuits in order to enter (I didn't personally take any photos of the clean room but I'm working on getting one from it). They were very kind and eager to show us everything we could ask for, we spent the most time at Fudan than other universities thus far.