Another bus ride to Teri University started off our morning, all of us excited for the half cup of chai that is almost guaranteed upon arrival. We had a chance to meet with Dr. Renu Khosla, director of CURE India. Our most devoted blog followers would remember our Heritage walk through Kachhpura, where we had a chance to see the water treatment system set up by CURE.

CURE India DEWAT (decentralized water treatment) in Kachhpura, Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Khosla was able to answer our various questions about the system, as well as present some of the other projects CURE India has and is working on. One of these, the Taj East Drain Improvement Project (TEDIP) showed multiple effects that CURE India has had on various communities. During the TEDIP, 14 different filtration systems were created based on each area's needs. The project replaced open and dangerous wastewater wells, as well as engaged the community. One of the coolest impacts of the TEDIP was that for the first time, CURE India saw eight or nine government departments working together.
After the presentation, we went on our way to a water treatment facility along the Yamuna River. On the nap-friendly bus ride, we ran across an elephant strolling down the center of one of the side roads. This was the first one we have seen on the trip, and many of us would say that the site made our India trip complete.
Upon arriving at the water treatment facility, we were informed that no cameras or phones would be allowed inside. So although we have no pictures to share of our tour, we were able to snap a quick shot of the exciting front gate. Our tour started on the edge of the Yamuna, where water is being pulled to a series of pumps using gravity. The water is then pumped to a clarifier after being treated with alum and chlorine. Finally, water is filtrated and treated with chlorine once again. Every hour, the water coming from the Yamuna is tested for bacteria and ammonia levels. The amounts of alum and chlorine can then be adjusted accordingly.

Water treatment facility visit
Our morning activities came to an end with the completion of the tour. We did not see any elephants on the bus ride home, but most of us still maintained high spirits, excited for the henna ahead.
- Rob Wietecha