Today we took a coach bus out to the coast near the cliffs to visit a wind farm. Apparently the sea has been eroding away at these cliffs.

There are some old bunkers built nearby that are now demolished or collapsed. There is also a local lighthouse.

We appear to be pretty far from the windfarm, and someone got the idea to bushwack our way there. After going a quarter mile or so and getting eaten alive by mosquitos, we rush back to the bus to find an alternative route. Thankfully we found it, and we were able to drive right up to the wind turbines.

From the signs we read, these turbines are actually taller than the ones in the Baltic Sea near Copenhagen by 30 meters. We thought they looked smaller, but the forest nearby probably acts as an optical illusion.

Tomorrow we will be back at the University to have lectures and discuss the wind farm.
On the way back to the hotel, we stopped to have lunch at the Saku Brewery. Estonia and Latvia are very similar to Minnesota in that a lot of the beer they serve is locally brewed by smaller craft breweries. Saku started in 1820. Some of the group is going out to meet up with the students and to get dinner, others are going to a local cultural music festival, while the rest are trying to get healthy.
The weather has been beautiful ever since we left Copenhagen and many of us are sporting tans and sunburns. Sleep is harder to come by as we move north. The days are getting longer and busier. Sunrise is somewhere around 4:30 AM and sunset is somewhere around 10 PM. On Tuesday we go further north to Helsinki!