We have an early 5 hour bus ride to Estonia, followed by a long walking tour of their old city. On the way to Estonia, most of us are sleeping. We passed some wind farms, large bright fields of yellow mustard plants, and forests thick, full of tall skinny evergreens. We arrive at our hotel in the old Soviet factory and warehouse district. Many of the old brick buildings have been converted into nice hotels, office buildings, restaurants, and clubs. Nearby is a theme park, and the Baltic Sea.

The reason that I called Estonia the "Harbor of the Baltics" is because the harbor was the only thing anyone wanted to invade the country for. Between the Danes, the Swedes, and the Tsars/Soviets, anytime one of them invaded or controlled the country, the harbor was the only thing of value the country had to offer. However, for the Russians, controlling this port still meant dealing with the Danish and Swedish navies to access the Atlantic Ocean.

The walking tour started not too long after we go to the hotel. Some of us got food, while the rest got naps. Either way, I think we were all a bit cranky after 3 hours walking slowly through a crowded town.