Global Seminars: Day 18: Last Day In China

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 18: Last Day In China

So this is it. Perhaps my last blog entry.
The journey has now come to an end, but the memories will last a lifetime. China has taught us a lot of things, the lessons we learned, experiences we had, the relationships we built will sure be a part of us.

With our awesome tour guide, Cassandra Fan.

On our way to the airport, we rode the Maglev (magnetic levitation), the fastest train in the world which brought us to the airport in 7 minutes. It "is a system of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles, predominantly trains, using magnetic levitation from a very large number of magnets for lift and propulsion."
Or 268.4 mph

Waiting to board the plane at the Shanghai International Airport

Spotted: a few of the 10,000 lakes in Minnesota

Our trip wouldn't be possible without these people:

Prof. Sobelman and Adam Pagel for organizing this whole trip;
All the universities we've visited: Tsinghua University, Peking/Beijing University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
All the companies we've visited: Microsoft Research Asia, TechImport and IBM Research Laboratories in China;
Our tour guides: Li (Beijing), Eric (Harbin), Jerry (Xi'an) and Cassandra (Shanghai);
Our student leaders: Karla Simonson and Tony Jakubiak;
Our morning show host, Anas Alaish;
And last but not the least, every participant on this trip, without you this whole trip wouldn't be as fun, as inspiring and as eye-opening as it was. Every seminar attended, every group dinner/outing held, every item haggled and every pain endured was all worth it. So thank you all for making this trip a great experience!

Check out our group album in Photobucket.