The group at IBM China
Today is company-visit day. In the morning we visited TechImport and IBM Reasearch Laboratory in China.
We all dressed up spiffily for our visits.

Junior student, Joel showing freshmen student, Erik how to tie a tie.
At TechImport

TechImport's company logo
TechImport is a company founded in 2000 that focuses on "solar, wind, green lighting technologies, recycling and biofuel industry" and other innovative renewable energy solutions. They work with partners both locally and internationally, international organizations and governments to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions. They are also in partnership with a company called Scandinavia Eco-tech in Sweden that has very similar services as TechImport.

Kelly Xie, our host and TechImport's VP explaining the recycling process for CFL bulbs
They speak highly of their products and services; Kelly said that they're the only company in the world that creates machines that effectively separates CFL bulbs by-products, junk copper wires by-products and etc.

CFL bulb and its by-products

An outdoor flooring tile made up of recycled tires
To know more of the company, click here.
After we had lunch at a nearby mall, we visit China's IBM Research Laboratory which is strategically located at Shanghai's version of Silicon Valley called Zhangjiang Hi-Tech park.

Neo Li presenting IBM's rich history and their research lab's projects
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How much? - Duōshǎo qián? (多少钱?)
Too expensive! - Tài guì le! (太贵了!)
Pretty - Piàoliang (漂亮)
Tomorrow we visit Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
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