Global Seminars: Beijing, China Days 1-3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Beijing, China Days 1-3

Hello everyone! Due to quite a few technical issues my part of the blog has been out of commission. However, the computer gods finally smiled upon me and allowed me access to my email and the blog. My name is Jennifer Johnson and I am going into my Sophomore year at the U of M majoring in Bio-products Engineering and Chemistry. Now, let me fill you in on the last few days.

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Hello everyone!

Due to quite a few technical issues my part of the blog has been out of commission. However, the computer gods finally smiled upon me and allowed me access to my email and the blog.

My name is Jennifer Johnson and I am going into my Sophomore year at the U of M majoring in Bio-products Engineering and Chemistry.

Now, let me fill you in on the last few days. We all arrived in Beijing at around 3:30 in the afternoon on Monday the 16th. We will be staying here until Friday. The flight in was long and a little be unsettling towards the end for some of us and it comes as no surprise that the traffic is AWFUL. However, that night we went to ghost street to eat dinner and it seemed to make up for the nasty airplane food.

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The next day, we visited Tsinghua University. It is a very large campus and everyone was exhausted after walking around for hours. The campus was also very beautiful and had the only facebook in China! (touching it's nose apparently makes you smart)

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Today we visited Peking University (also known as Beijing University). We learned about the computer science research that they have going on at the university. Even though I'm not a computer science major and I might not have appreciated it as much as the comp sci majors, I still thought it was very interesting and very advanced. For example, one of the main things they focus on is maximizing power efficiency and they have created a sort of processor (like Intel) which only needs one small chip instead of 3 regular sized chips. The computer running with it ran very smoothly and you could watch Avatar in 3D without getting frustrated with slow loading issues. Why can't my computer do that?

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Chips and such...