The morning of Sunday, 31 May, we departed from Wergenstein and toured a small church in the valley before returning to Winterthur.
Click `read more´ to see some pictures from the trip.
From 29-31 May we left our robot projects for an excursion into the Alps. The morning of the first day was spent in travel from Winterthur to Chur (pronounced `koor´), a town established by the Romans in the first few centuries AD. After touring Chur, we moved on to take a meal in the Viamala Gorge and then to a town in the valley below Wergenstein to tour a cheese factory. The next day, we went hiking up to a mountain lake above Wergenstein. We ate lunch surrounded by a sweeping view of the valley below. Following lunch, a portion of the group travelled the rest of the way up the mountain ridge.
The morning of Sunday, 31 May, we departed from Wergenstein and toured a small church in the valley before returning to Winterthur.
Below, I have attached some pictures of our trip.
1. A mountain over a lake that we passed on the way to Chur
2. Statues in the Cathedral at Chur
3. The entrance to the Viamala Gorge
4. The mountain across the valley from the village of Wergenstein
5. A sunbeam shining across the valley in the morning
6. View from the top of the ridge
7. The other side of the ridge, which we did not hike up