Sadly we woke up to rain.
We didn't need to get on the bus until 11am so some of us were finally able to go out and shop around Trondheim since the stores would be open. The bus drove us to the docks were we then got on the ferry. When we got on the ferry we all dispersed. Some went to the seats by the windows, some went to the center seats to sleep, and the rest went to play cards at the tables. While on the ferry some of us went outside, but no one was outside more then Heidi and Tony. They were the ones who could handle the wind and rain. The rain kept going off and on but because of that the sky was quite pretty. When we got off the ferry we got on another bus which then drove us to Veilholmen. Veilholmen has a population around 300. The place that some of the guys and all of the girls are staying is the main building. The place has ship parts over with some parts dating back a hundred years. The place is very cozy. Then some guys are at a house around the corner while another group is five minutes away in a place where the cows used to live. It has a short ceiling and somehow the tall guys are living there. After getting settled in it was time for "soccer field". People broke up into three teams and had a blast playing at the elementary school. We then went back to the main building and enjoyed a delicious dinner with each other. After we all had our first serving of dinner we were told that we just ate WHALE!!!! Knowing this did not stop people from getting more. After dinner people played darts and discussed the philosophy needed so change the world.
They're playing cards and waiting for the ferry.
It was just a little windy outside.
This is the main building.
"Soccer Field"
Playing darts.
The WHALE!!!